

I live in Kikuyo town. Kikuyo has many nature, and famous place. It is between Aso and Kumamoto City. I think there is very comfortable to live. Kikuyo's famous product is a carrot. It taste very sweet, so these like a fruit. Most farmer live in Kikuyo cultivation carrots. Also, there has clean water. There are many place of water.

Kikuyo have many famous companies. For example, Tokyo Electronics, SONY, Fuji Film and Aso drug manufacturing. Tokyo Electronics makes semiconductor. SONY makes various things. Also, Aso drug manufacturing famous product is Riva Tape. It is an adhesive plaster.Moreover, many foreign countries people live Kikuyo to work these companies. In a short, KIKUYO is international town.

Kikuyo is big shopping place. "You Me Town" is most famous shopping place of Kikuyo. There is many shops, which restaurant, clothes shop, shoes shop, food, and so on. If I have something want to, I will go to You Me town. There are many thing I want to. Also, it is Hikarrinomori. Hikarinomori is most development place in Kikuyo. There are many restaurants and hospitals. There are useful to live.

Kikuyo have old history. In the Edo period, there used way for "Sankinkoutai": a system under which feudal lords in that time were required to spend every other year in residence in Edo. That way planted a Japanese ceder for a mark. These trees are alive now. So, the way planted tree called "Suginami Dori".

Kikuyo is sightseeing spots. For example, "Sanfurea" is famouse. There are hot spring, restaurant, farm products direct sales store and ice cream shop. Many people visit there in holiday. Also, there next to San San Park. It is big park in Kikuyo.

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